I love having an organized and well stocked pantry.
I am one of those people who can drool over different images, make Pinterest boards on Pantry Organization….But I quickly put it all in the too hard basket. I do not want to be doing any DIY hammering, gluing, painting or sawing to change my pantry. I want quick and easy storage and organization solutions that will work in with what I currently have and super easy to install and set up.
If you are after a more in depth Pantry Organization guide.
I have a blog post with more detail including checklists to help set out your pantry – You can read it HERE

The secret to getting an organized pantry set up and running in a day or two, is to have it set up so that it is quick and easy see what you have in your pantry and it is quick and easy to use.
If what you put in place is difficult to use, or to open, or to close or to put back for everyone using the pantry…The system will soon stop being followed and it will revert back into chaos.
This quick shopping guide will give you pantry storage and organization suggestions that you can order today, have delivered to your door within a week and have it completed in a day. ALL suggestions require little to no DIY skills – Maybe a screwdriver to assemble the pieces.
I am linking to products readily available on Amazon – But you can use other online shopping sites to find similar items.
Use Your Space Wisely
Use the space in your pantry wisely – Your pantry will not work smoothly if items are not easy to see, reach, find or put back.
Do not make it complicated and make sure to remember heights of the people using the pantry. If your kids need to reach items – put them down low or the opposite if you need to keep things out of reach of children
Now for 8 items that will do the trick!
1. Adjustable Shelf Heights
These easy to use and shelves will let you stack your food in an easier way to see everything.
You have choices of either a wooden bamboo finish or non slip plastic version. The wooden version is also adjustable which can be handy to use in smaller areas.
Click on the Images to go directly to Amazon
2. Lazy Susans or Turntables
The perfect way to use corner spaces easily or to store, spices, oils and vinegar’s all in one convenient spot.
Some will have higher edges which is a great way to keep smaller or lighter items together and not to fall off. A double story option is useful for small and compact items like spice jars.
3. Tubs and Baskets
A Genius way to keep everything together.
Keep all your baking ingredients together or School snacks or Pasta packets or all your crackers
You can decide if you want transparent so you can easily see what is in each one – or you can use Opaque and label them. No need to keep things as tidy inside an opaque tub.
4. Hanging Options
There are some great hanging systems that go over a door or use the shelf ledge – No nails or screws required!
These are perfect for smaller items that you need to grab quickly such as cling wrap, alfoil, spices, condiments, vitamins and first aid items.
5.Canisters and Jars
No only will they keep your food fresher!! They save space plus they are also visually pleasing. Do not think that you have to have it all matching with identical canisters or jars. With a simple trick of using matching labels you can tie all your canisters and jars together for a cohesive look.
I mentioned labels!!
The best set of labels on Amazon are from Cooking Gods. Many professional organizers recommend these labels to all of their pantry makeover clients
Grab your set and get a 10% discount too!!
Click on this image to get the discount applied at checkout
6. Spices
Spice organization could almost be an entire blog post!!
I have written a Spice Organization post HERE if you want further ideas
But some quick and easy ways to get started with your spice organization.
Tips from the experts are to have your spices clearly labeled ( See the labels above!) Have your spices easily accessible to where you are cooking and the last tip is not to be a spice hoarder!! Keep only the spices that you constantly use. If you have to buy a specialty spice – buy the smallest quantity or better yet – Try to borrow it from a friend or neighbor
Use square jars if you are storing them on a shelf or tray. Being square you can fit more into the area.
Use round jars if you are using a rack or storage system where the jars have to easily slot in.
7. Spice Storage
You will have to decide what will work best in your available space
The main consideration always is – Easy to reach and easy to put away
You can have racks or shelves in your pantry
Or you may decide to put a rack or shelf on the benchtop close to where you cook
Here are some options of both.
8. Stack it
There are some items that easy to stack.
Cans are ideal – they can be stored on their side or upright. When you organize them into categories you can put them into different areas of your pantry – eg staples like tomatoes and beans and soda cans.
Lightweight boxes and packets can also go into stackable systems – like cling wrap, teas and cracker boxes.
Tell me if you found this article helpful and I would love to hear if you implemented any of the ideas!! Leave a comment and please Pin and Share it if you found this useful.